Good Governance

Good governance — delivering better services to all

Good governance is essential part of  effective democracy. UNDP works closely with Government and institutions at all levels is to increase skills and capacities to design more responsive and inclusive policies and to deliver their services more effectively.

In recent years, for example, UNDP has provided substantial assistance to municipalities throughout the country to help them meet the challenges of decentralization, achieving significant results through increased cooperation amongst municipalities.

UNDP supports greater citizen participation in decision-making and has helped in the design and development of numerous policies, laws and measures to increase the accountability of public institutions. As part of this commitment to good democratic governance, UNDP has also provided significant support for officials from central and local government to improve aid effectiveness, to combat corruption and increase inter-ethnic dialogue and cooperation.


Project TitleBrief OverviewFact SheetProject Document
Inter Municipal Cooperation Programme More Details
Brief Overview Project Document
UN Programme to Enhance Inter-Ethnic Dialogue and Collaboration More Details
Brief Overview Project Document
Strengthening Policy Processes and Accountability More Details
Brief Overview Project Document
Support to Fiscal Decentralization More Details
Brief Overview Project Document
Strenghtening the National and Local Intergrity Systems More Details
Brief Overview

Opening up local government one person at a time
» 07.02.2013
When the UNDP team was brainstorming with our partners at the Ministry of Local Self-Government about how to bring citizens into decision-making at the local level, naturally, the internet came to mind, with its potential to allow citizens to gather, track, and analyze data and participate with their own ideas and solutions.
Ten Municipalities Sign Up to the Fight Against Corruption
» 09.12.2012
In a week that has seen a wide range of activities to promote International Anti-Corruption Day, ten mayors have taken the brave step of publicly signing up to official anti-corruption policies for their municipalities, affirming the principles of integrity and declaring zero tolerance for corruption.
Acting locally to promote inclusive development in the Vardar Planning Region
» 01.11.2012
1 Nov 2012: UNDP has launched a new programme to support municipalities in their cooperative efforts to improve the effectiveness of local government and service delivery in the Vardar Planning Region.
Praise for progress and calls for more local autonomy as the European Parliament's Rapporteur backs the latest Action Plan for Decentralisation
» 20.09.2012
The country’s progress in bringing government closer to the citizens through decentralization reforms was commended this September by the European Parliament’s Foreign Committee Rapporteur, MEP Richard Howitt.
A Game Changer in the Struggle to Reduce Unemployment
» 03.09.2012
Monday the third of September saw three kick-offs in one day in the municipality of Struga—the opening of a newly renovated school sports hall; the signing of an agreement to train up five educated but unemployed youngsters; and a football match between UNDP and a team representing Struga.