Joint Programmes

Preventing Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a crime. Studies show that as many as 50% of women in the country are affected by this crime at some point in their lives. Domestic violence also affects children, men and the elderly. Yet, the majority of victims suffer in silence – not realizing their legal rights, or that help is available.

In 2008, the Government adopted the National Strategy for Protection Against Domestic Violence. It focuses on improving awareness, response and prevention. The hope is that standardized and efficient responses, alongside better public awareness, will reduce domestic violence in the country.

Five UN agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, UNIFEM, UNFPA and WHO) are working together to support the Government’s National Coordinative Body to implement the new Strategy in three areas:

1) Support to improved national policy

2) Assistance to improve support to victims

3) By raising public awareness

Enhancing Inter-Ethnic Dialogue

Since independence in 1991, the country has made significant steps towards defining national policies that recognise the country’s cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. The Ohrid Framework Agreement, which brought an end to the inter-ethnic conflict of 2001, laid the foundations for peace and stability and for the country’s present two-tier self-government system. 

The continued observance and implementation of the Agreement, together with meaningful inter-ethnic dialogue and collaboration across all social strata, remains essential for the development of the country as a productive and vibrant society and future European Union member state.

The United Nations seeks to advance what the country has achieved in inter-ethnic relations by promoting inter-ethnic dialogue and collaboration.

Three UN agencies, UNDP, UNICEF and UNCESCO are working together to support the efforts of central Government, relevant local bodies and civil society.

The main objectives of the UN Programme are:

—Improve national systems and capacities for inter-ethnic cohesion.
Education—Reinforce the education system’s ability to promote diversity. 
Society—Promote tolerance and respect between different groups.


This UN Programme works at the national-level, but also in three ethnically diverse municipalities (Kicevo, Kumanovo and Struga). At the local level, the programme is working with civil society, school communities, and government bodies to demonstrate how formal and informal systems can fortify tolerance, inclusion and respect.

Our current projects:
Project TitleBrief OverviewFact SheetProject Document
UN Programme to Enhance Inter-Ethnic Dialogue and Collaboration More Details
Brief Overview Project Document
Strengthening National Capacities to Prevent Domestic Violence More Details
Brief Overview Project Document